Energy Crisis - How To Save on Home Improvements

Energy Crisis - How To Save on Home Improvements

  • Ellie Stirk

People undertake remodelling projects for a variety of reasons, ranging from providing extra space for a growing family to boosting the value of their property. Whatever your reason, it's always worth considering how you may increase your home's energy efficiency throughout any renovation job. It could help you save money on energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

Look no farther for inspiration! The Energy Saving Trust's top renovation options for enhancing your home's energy efficiency are listed below.

Use energy - saving lights

This is a simple first step, make absolutely sure all of your lightbulbs are energy efficient LEDs. If you replace all of the lights in your home with LED lights, you might save up to 40kg of CO2 per year. And, because lighting accounts for approximately 11% of average UK home electricity consumption, switching to LEDs could save you money on your bills as well.

Include draught - proofing

Draught - proofing is among the most suitable techniques of conserving energy, cash, and emissions. Expert draught - proofing of windows, doors, flooring, and skirting boards will save you £125 annually and lower your household carbon dioxide emissions by 215kg for an estimated cost of £240. If your budget does not allow for a skilled job, heavy, lined curtains are an inexpensive quick fix that will assist keep more heat in your home.

Window and door replacement

Updating your doors and windows to be less energy efficient will enable you to save money on electricity and minimise your carbon impact. The most popular choice is double glazing, though prices vary depending on the materials and design. PVC windows, for example, are less expensive, but oak framing are among the most expensive. Installing A - rated double glazing on windows in a fully single - glazed semi - detached gas heated household could save you £195 per year and lower your carbon footprint by 330kg per year.

Set up heating controls

You may be able to save money on heating expenditures while also minimising your carbon footprint by correctly installing and operating heating controls. Set your thermostat to the warmest temperature that you find comfortable, which is usually between 18°C and 21°C. In a typical semi - detached house, turning your thermostat down by one degree can save you roughly £145 per year, while installing and successfully using smart homes accessories can save you £180 per year.

Insulate your attic

Heat will escape through the roof unless you reside in a mid - floor flat. While most homes have some loft insulation, it is frequently insufficient. Increasing your insulation from 120mm to at least 270mm will help, and will save you roughly £35 per year on your expenses. Furthermore, if your loft is easily accessible and free of moisture or condensation, it should be simple to insulate - and in many situations, you may do it yourself.

Insulating the walls is essential

Did you realise that one - third of the heat lost in an uninsulated home escapes via the walls? It's now time to add insulation. The majority of UK homes have cavity walls that can be insulated. Insulating your cavity walls could save you £395 per year in energy costs while also lowering your carbon footprint by 670kg.


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