PVC Plastic Wall Cladding Explained

PVC Plastic Wall Cladding Explained

  • Adam Wilson

People once saw PVC cladding as a futuristic material. Now it is a mainstay in both commercial and domestic construction, thanks to its remarkable properties.

Traditionally, builders and architects faced severe cladding challenges in bathrooms and kitchens. They needed materials that could withstand high moisture levels for years at a time, without degrading. While tiles were water-resistant, they didn’t have the robustness that you needed in a place like a public bathroom. They would chip and flake, exposing bare walls and putting it at risk of damp.

Manufacturers, therefore, began investigating whether PVC cladding was a viable substitute. The same type of plastic appeared to perform well in double-glazed windows - would it not be a good option for walls too?

The answer was a clear and definite “yes.” PVC wall cladding appeared to be highly effective in preventing water from getting to the underlying masonry while also lasting a long time before requiring replacement.

This type of wall covering, therefore, has become exceptionally popular, both in businesses and, increasingly, in homes too. There’s a growing demand from leaders, managers and regular people for cladding solutions that last and provide a hygienic environment.

  • Provides excellent insulation. Being made of plastic, PVC wall cladding offers businesses and homeowners excellent insulation, helpful for when the weather is both hot and cold. The plastic creates a barrier that prevents air from circulating into the walls and disappearing.
  • Versatile. While kitchens and bathrooms are prime candidates for PVC cladding, they are not the only places for which it is suitable. Its versatility means that you can install it pretty much anywhere you like.
  • Remains free from mould. While tiles are waterproof, they’re not always free from mould. Colonies can start in the grouting and are difficult to remove. PVC cladding, however, does not foster the growth of mould at all.
  • Easy to clean. Businesses and homeowners love PVC cladding because it is easy to clean compared to other surfaces. Unlike tiles, you don’t have to scrub it. And it has obvious benefits over wallpaper and pain.
  • It looks great. The idea of putting plastic cladding your home or business might sound a little odd. We typically associate PVC with cheap, disposable products. Over the last few years, however, manufacturers have massively improved their production processes. Now, many PVC products look just as good as the tiles they seek to emulate. You can now get colours, patterns and textures that will look good in your home or business.
  • It is easier to install. Installing tiles takes a lot of skill, effort and time. But inserting PVC wall cladding is usually just a matter of pinning it to the wall. It’s a cheaper process.

They’re Warmer Than Tiles

Finally, it is worth pointing out that PVC cladding is warmer than regular tiles. While tiles tend to conduct heat away from the bathroom, PVC keeps it in. PVC, therefore, is not harsh like tiles making rooms feel cosier than they otherwise would.

So, after reading this wall cladding guide, will you choose PVC cladding?


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