Introducing one of our best sellers... the Black Sparkle Shower Panel

Introducing one of our best sellers... the Black Sparkle Shower Panel

The true beauty of our black sparkle panels is how diverse they are. While traditionally used as shower panels, they serve lots of uses throughout your home as well. In fact, let’s take a tour of your house to see just how versatile these stunning wall panels are!
What Are Shower Panels? The Floors To Walls Guide

What Are Shower Panels? The Floors To Walls Guide

Whether as a place of solitude for you or somewhere to wash off the events of the day, there’s no denying the importance of a bathroom. No matter the size, making your bathroom look good shouldn’t be a daunting task, especially if you have the right help. Floors to Walls is the go-to when it comes to transforming floors and walls no matter the part of the house. 
Do you want a Bath or Shower?

Do you want a Bath or Shower?

This is the big question and the short answer is what's best for you? It's your choice and only you can decide. We all have our personal taste and personal hygiene is simply that - personal!

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